Welcome to the CDAA

Welcome to the Clacton and District Astronomical Association web site. We are a small informal group, meeting on the first Thursday of the month. CDAA is the only Astronomical Society serving the Tendring and Colchester districts.

Monthly Meetings

These meetings are held at "Christ Church United Reform Church" Carnarvan Road, Clacton-on-Sea at 7.30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month (except August). The meetings conclude at 9.45 p.m. Find our Meeting Hall

In addition to the main events, there are also Monthly 'Night Sky' , 'Astro-News' presentations, Seasonal Constellations and a regular raffle.

We are a friendly bunch of amateurs where new members and visitors are always warmly welcomed. Annual membership is currently £15 adults, £6 juniors (under 18 years of age). This covers admission to all of the monthly meetings

Please note that although visitors are very welcome, they are charged an entry fee of £2.00


As part of the lottery funded 'Outreach' programme, we offer speakers for local clubs, societies and schools. A small fee may be required to cover travel expences etc. Click the 'Contacts' tab to get in touch with an appropriate representative of our society. Outreach activities are outlined by clicking the 'Events' tab.

Find out more...

Our club secretary David Pugh, should be able to answer most queries about the Association itself, whereas I, Bob Leon can answer questions relating to the web site.

Data Protection Declaration Details

Please note that information given by members to the CDAA (such as email addresses) will not be used for any other purpose than that of providing a means of contact.

2025 Meeting Programme

The April 2025 Meeting

3rd April

Special Guest Speaker

Wonders of the Sky

by Nik Szymanek

M92Once more we welcome our Special Guest Speaker Nik Szymanek. He will be presenting his latest exceptional images of deep sky objects. As usual it will be a visual feast and we will have an explanation of how the images were captured and processed.

The March 2025 Meeting

6th March

Latest Astronomical News

by Mike Haynes

VL ArrayMike will present one of his regular round-ups of the most recent astronomical research from various publications and websites.

The February 2025 Meeting

6th February

Shooting for the Stars

by David Pugh

Western VeilOur secretary David Pugh is a keen astrophotographer and takes many photos of the night sky during thee year. He favours deep sky objects and these presentations give him an opportunity to show members his most memorable and detailed images.

The January 2025 Meeting

2nd January

The Brian Cottis Memorial Presentation


by Mike Haynes

asteroidsOur Chairman, Mike Hayes, will give this years 'Brian Cottis Memorial Presentation' in memory of our past treasurer 'Brian Cottis'. The subject this year is 'Asteroids' and Mike will give a basic up-to-date presentation which will include new discoveries made in recent years.It is as Brian Cottis would have wished, a presentation aimed at those new to astronomy and as such intended suitable for beginners.